Monday, February 7, 2011

Affirmation #8

Today I'd like to discuss Affirmation #8 on the list of this project's 10 affirmations:

#8 states "I will respect my body and treat it with love.  I will eat healthfully and exercise, but I will splurge from time to time."

This is important and I believe it is something so many of us forget. How many of you went to Super Bowl parties last night and indulged in some less than nutritious snacks? I know I did. I even make a naughty appetizer. It was so, so delicious and a hit at the party, but it contained 2 ingredients not typically consumed in this house" Cheez Whiz and Velveeta. I don't like processed anything, much less two processed "cheese foods," but these were part of the recipe I had for Philly Cheese Steak Dip. Let me tell you, this dip tasted just like eating the real deal. I did substitute deli London Broil for the Steak Ums, but the rest was left as is.

I enjoyed the dip. I also enjoyed cheese and crackers, meatballs, cocktail hot dogs, and more. I also ate a big healing of celery and carrots before the fattening treats. It was a party with our neighbors, though.

I like to eat a decadent chocolate mousse recipe I have on Valentine's Day as well. I also like to have cupcakes.

The point is to do it in moderation. I am not ever going to be a skinny little thing. That is OK with me. I love curves. I love food--cooking, baking, consuming...

I want you to remember that you can splurge from time to time. Do not beat yourself up for it. That's where the first part of #8 comes in. Before the party, I spent 50 minutes on the Wii Fit. This morning, I rode my exercie bike at a challenging pace for a half hour. I ate egg whites, wheat toast, and some yogurt for breakfast. There has to be a balance. Today, I was talking to a friend who told me that she's going to limit herself to 1000 calories a day all week to counteract what she ate last night. She was beating herself up for "falling off the bandwagon."

Parties are meant to be fun. Getting together with friends often involves food and that is OK--when you overindulge, treat your body to a bit more exercise. Don't beat yourself up. Get up, get active, and enjoy your day, beautiful ladies!


  1. I enjoy hosting the parties and cooking a lot of the food so that I know what goes in them. Sure some of the things were definitely splurges only, but I try to substitute as much as I can. I too walked quite a bit yesterday and with all the party fixins needing attention, I didn't have time to really overeat or over indulge and felt good last night post-party!

    That being said - please share your philly cheese steak dip recipe!!!

  2. Here you go, Sarah:


Share your comments with us! How are YOU embracing your curves?