Monday, April 4, 2011


I'm back! I am sorry I have been away for the past few weeks. Life has just kept me extra busy these days.
Spring is here. In Upstate New York, though, I've learned to keep my winter coat and sweater out for a few more weeks. A few days back I still needed the snowbrush, sadly.

I was talking to a friend today. We were talking about clothes and she sighed and said, "I am not buying any new clothes until I lose weight."

Do y'all know Rule #6 of the EYCP? It says, "I will not shop based on the size I might be in 6 weeks, but for the beautiful woman I am today."

This is so important. Maybe today I am a 14. Maybe in six weeks, I will be back to a 12 (yes, I hover and have ups and downs). If I am buying clothing today, it will be the size I am TODAY. Remember, when you dress for the size your body is TODAY--not in May or June or next year--you'll look and feel more confident. Well-fitting clothes that flatter your body TODAY will have an impact on your self esteem.

I'll be back tomorrow with some of my favorites for spring!

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